Eмисия новини
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Contradicciones en torno al relevo en el poder imprimen tono de confrontación a la campaña preelectoral

La decisión del presidente, Rosen Plevneliev, de no nombrar un Gobierno interino tras haberse agotado las posibilidades constitucionales para el segundo Gobierno ordinario en el marco de este Parlamento, ha desatado violentas confrontaciones políticas...

22.12.16 12:58 |

Intriga kryesore tani është se kur dhe si do të zhvillohen zgjedhjet e parakohshme parlamentare

Pasi edhe Blloku i Reformatorëve ia ktheu Presidentit Rosen Plevneliv mandatin për krijimin e qeverisë së re, intriga nëse në kuadrin e Parlamentit të tanishëm do të ketë qeveri të rregullt apo jo tashmë nuk ekziston. Mirëpo, tani ka një intrigë tjetër..

21.12.16 12:45 |

President-elect Rumen Radev ready to form caretaker government

Bulgarian President-elect Rumen Radev has announced that he is ready with his line-up of a caretaker administration. Talking to the media he did not go into details but said the following: "Of course, I am ready, this is a must. I cannot form..

17.12.16 17:47 |
Rumen Radev

Rumen Radev for Le Monde: Bulgaria must not be an enemy to Russia

“Bulgaria is a loyal member of NATO and the EU. Historically and culturally, Bulgaria has always been a European country. It has chosen a stable and unswerving path of pro-European development. We shall not stray from it. We want to assert ourselves..

14.12.16 14:44 |

Reformist bloc to be offered mandate for forming cabinet on Monday

After the Bulgarian Socialist Party handed back the exploratory mandate it was given by incumbent President Rosen Plevneliev for the formation of a government under this parliament, the Bulgarian head of state declared he would be offering a mandate..

07.12.16 12:12 |

BSP will not support cabinet headed by the Patriotic Front

The leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party Kornelia Ninova said on Thursday that her party would not support the Patriotic Front to form a new cabinet within the current National Assembly. On Wednesday GERB also announced that it would not back..

01.12.16 11:47 |

Russia expects better relations with Bulgaria under President-elect Rumen Radev

President Putin’s foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov stated in an interview for RIA Novosti that after the election of President-elect Rumen Radev, Moscow was expecting opportunities for more constructive relations with Sofia. The diplomat..

23.11.16 11:14 |
President-elect Rumen Radev (L) and incumbent President Rosen Plevneliev

Constitutional Court: Incumbent President Plevneliev is not empowered to schedule early elections

Following a petition by President Rosen Plevneliev whether he can schedule new parliamentary elections without dissolving parliament, the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria ruled that within the last three months of his term of office the incumbent..

23.11.16 09:35 |
President-elect Rumen Radev (L) with President Rosen Plevneliev

President-elect Rumen Radev: There is no political crisis in the country

At an official ceremony in parliament, the Central Election Commission handed President-elect Rumen Radev its decision on the election of President and Vice-President of Bulgaria.  Radev commented that in his opinion there was no political crisis in..

21.11.16 12:33 |

President Plevneliev meets President-elect Radev

Bulgaria’s President Rossen Plevneliev met with the President-elect of Bulgaria Rumen Radev. On Sunday Rossen Plevneliev said that he intended to introduce his successor to the work of the Presidential institution. We should start working together...

14.11.16 17:01 |
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