Bulgaria is still coping well with pandemic Covid-19 continues to exist and it is deadly. Nobody knows what would happen in the autumn. In addition to Covid-19, there will be seasonal flu, too, Dr Skender Syla, WHO Representative for Bulgaria has..
Covid-19 continues to exist and it is deadly. Nobody knows what would happen in the autumn. In addition to Covid-19, there will be seasonal flu, too, Dr Skender Syla, WHO Representative for Bulgaria has told NovaTV. When we have small outbreaks..
The new cases of Covid-19 in Bulgaria for the past 24 hours are 112 after 1,528 PCR tests performed, according to the data of the Unified Information Portal. The total number of registered cases of coronavirus infection since beginning of the epidemic..
Protective masks are mandatory indoors! Wearing a disposable or reusable protective mask or other means covering the nose and mouth, including, scarfs, face shields, etc., is once again mandatory in all indoor public places. An exception is..
I do not think that the virus was at the door and just went away, but rather there was a false impression in our society that this virus could disappear - viruses never do this, virologist Prof. Mira Kozhuharova has told the BNR. According to her,..
As of mid-June 53% of Bulgarians say they believe that the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is behind us, and 13% believe that the worst is yet to come, indicate data from a social survey by Exacta Research Group, conducted in the 6-13..
“Bulgaria supports the EU recovery plan. A balanced compromise between grants and loans has been proposed,” said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during a video conference of the European Council on the plan that includes a new multiannual financial..
Bulgaria and the Balkans have the potential to become the new industrial zone of Europe and the world. The active advertising of Bulgarian and regional enterprises should start now, because everyone wants to find a new supplier in addition to China,..
One out of five Bulgarians believes that Bill Gates was behind the coronavirus pandemic, as a way to control people by microchips that would be introduced into humans through vaccines against the virus. More than 2.3 million Bulgarians believe..
The coronavirus crisis has led to the worst recession in history of EU. Because of the pandemic, the European economy is expected to decline by more than 7% this year. In response, the European Commission has presented a recovery plan totaling..