The economic situation in Bulgaria in April continues to be assessed by consumers as unfavourable, the National Statistical Institute has announced. In a state of emergency, pessimism is growing in assessments compared to January. Consumer confidence has..
Since the start of the state of emergency in Bulgaria, 90,000 people lost their jobs, while almost 57,000 have found new jobs. Every day there are people who lose their jobs and find new employment . The good thing is that in the last two weeks there..
Despite populist appeals to distribute money and support other industries, reduction of defense funds has not been discussed in the government or at the coalition level, Defense Minister Krassimir Karakachanov says. In front of the relevant..
Application for the incentive measure under the Human Resources Development Operational Program, aimed at Bulgarian experts who want to return to this country to work, has been postponed until 2021 because of the Covid-19 pandemic. 5 million euros..
63 . 7 % of Bulgarians are planning to travel immediately or up to 2 months after the restrictions are lifted. 65.6% say they will travel as often as before the pandemic, and 10.5% - even more often. The first destination 54% of the..
Bulgarians must be informed about conditions in countries they travel to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva expressed hope that movement within the European Union and within neighboring countries,..
According to the report of the European Committee on Education, the Bulgarian education system coped best with distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic. This was stated in an interview with the BNT by Yanka Takeva, chairwoman of the Bulgarian..
Owners of tourist transport companies have protested in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas and Ruse. The reason for their dissatisfaction is that the sector, which has been affected by the pandemic cannot benefit from government financial assistance. For..
Crisis cause s deflation of 0.6% in April The National Statistical Institute has reported a deflation of 0.6% in April compared to March. Inflation is 1.8 percent compared to April 2019. The biggest drop is in transport prices - 6.8%,..
The transition of work from offices to work from home in Bulgarian companies in the IT sector has gone smoothly and has not affected business processes. In a number of other countries, for example in Asia, this was not the case, Iliya Krastev, chairman..