Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that his country would send a delegation to Bulgaria to demand the extradition of a person who was believed to be linked to the organization of Fetullah Gulen. Gulen is accused of being the head of the..
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras are to discuss in Sofia topics related to border security, migration pressure, and the situation after the decision of Britain to leave the European Union, as well as energy..
The Huffington Post has placed Sofia among the most pleasant cities in the world for living abroad. The Bulgarian capital city occupies the prestigious 11 th place. The ranking of the media is based on the study of American consulting company Mercer,..
Sofia is a favorite place for people looking for a job and therefore opening new jobs is of great importance, the mayor of the Bulgarian capital city, Yordanka Fandakova, said at a roundtable dedicated to the promotion and development of women’s..
The man who barricaded himself in his home in Strelbishte residential area in Sofia has taken shots at the police who have been attempting to negotiate with him, said Interior Ministry Secretary General Georgi Kostov. The standoff started..
In1948 the merger of several sports clubs changed forever the football life in Bulgaria as it gave the beginning of the successful development of one of the most loved Bulgarian teams – the CSKA. In the winter of 1948 the army football..
Wenn von Flüssen und Uferpromenaden die Rede ist, denken die Sofioter unweigerlich an die Donau. Diejenigen unter ihnen, die etwas mehr Jährchen auf dem Buckel haben, erinnern sich vermutlich auch an das grandomanische Projekt von Uferpromenaden entlang..
Cécilia Attias est de retour en Bulgarie pour des retrouvailles émouvantes 7 ans après la libération des 5 infirmières bulgares à tort détenues et condamnées à mort en Libye par le régime de Mouammar Kadhafi pour la contamination de 438 enfants libyens..
Les nationalistes bulgares ont défilé dans les rues de Sofia pour rendre hommage à un général de la Deuxième guerre mondiale connu pour son activité nazi et antisémite. La maire de la capitale, Madame Iordanka Fandakova, a interdit la manifestation qui..
Les 15 et 16 février, la capitale bulgare accueille le Salon World Education, qui est la plus grande exposition dédiée à l'enseignement supérieur. Le forum permet aux futurs étudiants de déposer leurs documents à l'université de leur choix pour la..