Nach heftigen Debatten hat das Parlament beschlossen, „Lukoil Neftohim Burgas“ die Konzession für den Hafen Rossenez im beschleunigten Verfahren zu entziehen. Das geschah durch die Verabschiedung von Änderungen des Gesetzes über die Kontrolle..
Giorgos Gerapetritis: Political dialogue, a positive cooperation agenda and confidence building measures are the three pillars for a rapprochement between Turkey and Greece Political dialogue, a positive cooperation agenda on specific issues and..
Mit 10 Ja-Stimmen und 5 Nein-Stimmen hat der Verteidigungsausschuss des Parlaments beschlossen, der Ukraine 100 gepanzerte Mannschaftstransportwagen aus den ausgemusterten Reserven des Innenministeriums zu liefern. Die Abgeordneten stimmten auch..
The National Assembly Defence Committee decided to provide Ukraine with 100 armoured vehicles from the stockpiles of the Ministry of Interior. 10 MPs votes in favour and 5 MPs voted against. The MPs also voted that the Council of Ministers, not the..
Verteidigungsminister Todor Tagarew räumte ein, dass Bulgarien Probleme mit der Wartung der MiG-29-Flugzeuge hat. Ihm zufolge werden sie so lange eingesetzt, bis sie durch die F-16-Kampfjets ersetzt werden. „Die MiG-29 werden mit großem..
Commenting on the death threat made against Defence Minister Todor Tagarev , President Rumen Radev said he was against murder threats directed against any Bulgarian citizen. He then raised the issue of a number of Bulgarians included in the list of the..
"The Ukraine issue is being used by the government as a "lifebelt" to divert peoples' attention from the lack of vision, agenda and real action in response to the problems facing the country", Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev told journalists...
It is the duty of the sides in the fighting in Ukraine, as well as of the international community, to seek a peaceful solution, reads a statement by President Rumen Radev. Ukrainian embassy in Bulgaria: Ukraine is doing its utmost to..
The Ukrainian embassy in Sofia has issued a position, sent to the media, that Ukraine is doing its utmost to restore peace. The statement comes one day after President Rumen Radev stated, during the folklore festival at Rozhen: “I want to make..
Ukrainian nuclear expert Nikolai Steinberg, chief engineer at the Chernobyl NPP in 1986-1987, stated, for the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform, that the sale of equipment and components for nuclear installations from other countries is subject to..