With their vote at the parliamentary elections Bulgarians demonstrated they want a fundamental change in governance. For close to one year the protests in the streets and squares showed they want an end to the current political tendencies on which..
The government debt of the country has gone up by 22.5% or 2 . 72 billion euro in the space of one year. The debt of the Central Government subsector by the end of February 2021 amounted to 14.8 billion euro, and now accounts for 23.2% of..
During the second 7-year-long programming period of the EU, Bulgaria has absorbed 54% of financing provided under EU funds. Out of a total of 9.9 billion euros allocated under 10 programs, 6.360 billion euros had been..
Bulgaria's negative GDP of -3.9% in 2020 and the expected growth of 4% for the first quarter of 2021 show that the economic recovery is close. But there are challenges that could bring back the recession. Such are the lack of private consumption and..
Covid-19 has been the most frequently used word in the past year. Meanwhile, Bulgaria’s cabinet has allocated substantial amount of money to support the sectors impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Now, it is time to take stock of this..
The Bulgarian economy grew during the fourth quarter of last year by 2.2% compared to the previous quarter, but shrank by 3.8% on a yearly basis, preliminary National Statistical Institute data show. Over the entire 2020 the GDP of the..
In 2019, the regional GDP per capita, expressed in purchasing power standards, varied from 32% of the EU average in the Northwestern region of Bulgaria and in Mayotte, France, to 260% of the EU average in Luxembourg, data of Bulgaria's National..
In 2020 Bulgaria undertook anti-crisis policies which cost 6 . 7% of the country’s GDP in 2019, the average European spending being 14.3%, indicates an analysis by the Institute of Social and Trade Union Studies of the Confederation of..
Bulgaria’ s economy has been slowly recovering thanks to an 11.3% rise in exports. Bulgarian economy grew in the fourth quarter of 2020 by 2.1% compared to the third quarter, when it rose by 3.9%, according to an..
In 2020, Bulgaria's real GDP decreased by 4.4%. This was due to the negative net exports and to a lesser extent to a decline in private investment , the latest macroeconomic forecast of the Bulgarian National Bank reads. In the previous forecast..