In relation to upcoming Easter and St. George's Day, the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency will be conducting inspections of food production facilities and shops from April 6 to May 8. Special attention is paid to the food traditionally offered for..
Manufacturers of bread, dairy and meat products have once again complained about price pressure on their goods exerted by retail chains. According to the manufacturers, working methods of supply chains would lead to bankruptcies or a shift to the..
Did you know that one third of the world's food is never eaten and goes to waste? Saving nutritious food from disposal would contribute to its redistribution so it can reach those in need. This would help eliminate hunger and malnutrition...
Bulgaria has taken part in the world’s leading food fair - ANUGA, which is held once every 2 years in Cologne. Antoaneta Bozhinova, executive director of the Union of Fruit and Vegetable Producers, which is taking part in the presentation, told the..
Derya Özyuvalı, hayattaki en büyük iki tutkusu yiyecek ve seyahati birleştirmeyi başarmış insanlardan. “Foodie backpacker” ismiyle, farklı mekanlarda özel etkinliklerde yemek hazırlıyor, Avrupa'yı dolaşıyor ve yeni insanlarla tanışıyor. Yeni işiyle Derya..
Bulgaria’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food opens a campaign to support the Bulgarian food producers. The challenges related to the production and the sale of traditional Bulgarian food will be discussed with branch organizations. Between January and..
A Eurostat analysis of the financial characteristics of consumption of households in the EU indicates that what Bulgarians spent most on, in their consumer basket in 2017, was food. Food accounts for almost one third of Bulgarians’ total..
A single European food control authority body should exist, says Bulgarian Ombudsman Maya Manolova. Manolova. She has taken part in a conference of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU on the topic of: "Healthy Future for Europe: Healthy..
Food prices have marked a rise of over 1 percent just for a week, the Bulgarian State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets has reported. Prices of dairy and meat products have marked the biggest hike, figures show. Fruit and vegetable prices..
When choosing food, Bulgarians continue to prefer Bulgarian products, data for the past five years, presented by Deputy Minister of Agriculture Tsvetan Dimitrov, show. More than 90% of the dairy products consumed in Bulgaria are produced in this..