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Eddie Penev

Gimnastele bulgare au avansat în finala Cupei Mondiale de la Baku

Gimnaștii bulgari Dimitar Dimitrov și Eddie Penev s-au calificat în finala de la sol în prima zi a Cupei Mondiale de gimnastică artistică de la Baku (Azerbaidjan). Aceasta este prima competiție a anului pentru Dimitrov, care a primit nota 13,366 pentru..

06.03.25 15:00 |
Eddie Penev

Bulgarian gymnasts advance to the final of the World Cup in Baku

Bulgarian gymnasts Dimitar Dimitrov and Eddie Penev qualified for the floor final on  the first day of the Artistic Gymnastics World Cup in Baku (Azerbaijan). This is the first competition of the year for Dimitrov, who received a score of 13.366..

06.03.25 14:32 |
Eddy Penev

Los gimnastas búlgaros pasan a la final de la Copa del Mundo de Bakú

En la primera jornada de la Copa del Mundo de gimnasia deportiva de Bakú (Azerbaiyán), los búlgaros Dimitar Dimitrov y Eddy Penev se han clasificado para la final de suelo. Esta es la primera competición del año para Dimitrov, quien recibió una puntuación..

06.03.25 14:13 |

El hombre que crea belleza como la naturaleza misma: una granja de pavos reales en el pueblo de Susam

Cría de cabras, árboles frutales, gusanos de California, e incluso caballos…Dimitar Dimitrov hace toda clase de cosas, pero su gran afición son los pavos reales. En el pueblo de Susam, en la localidad de Haskovo, él cuida de 300 ejemplares de pavos..

30.03.24 13:15 |

CESMA President Dimitar Dimitrov: Steps should be taken through EU and NATO to help the hijacked ship Galaxy Leader

The Yemeni Houthi have permitted the crew of the hijacked ship Galaxy Leader in the Gulf of Aden to contact their families, said the movement’s spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam, the Bulgarian news agency BTA reports. Yemeni separatists seize..

30.11.23 09:46 |

Bulgaria is among the top dental tourism destinations

High costs of dental work and insufficient insurance coverage have driven people to turn to what is known as dental tourism – combining a holiday abroad with low-cost dentistry. The global dental tourism market is expected to reach a valuation of USD..

02.11.22 11:29 |

Les truffes, ces grandes méconnues des terres bulgares

Il ne subsiste aucun doute que la richesse et la diversité de l’environnement en Bulgarie présentent des conditions favorables à la pousse des “diamants noirs” qui se vendent à des prix exorbitants. Certes, il s’agit des truffes connues en Europe..

10.08.22 09:55 |

“The world for the Bulgarian woman”: Bulgarian women through the ages, and how the world saw them

Dimitar Dimitrov, a journalist with the BBC for many years, and, as he himself puts it a “Bulgarologist”, presented his new book in Sofia called “The world for the Bulgarian woman”. The multilingual book is the first of a future series..

22.12.21 17:08 |

Periodista búlgaro revela cómo concebía el mundo la mujer búlgara a lo largo de los siglos

Dimitar Dimitrov, periodista de dilatada experiencia en la BBC Londres y “bulgarológo”, como se califica a sí mismo, ha presentado en Sofía un nuevo libro titulado El mundo sobre la búlgara . La edición multilingüe es el primer libro de una serie..

22.12.21 14:43 |

Bulgar kadını asırlar içinde dünya basınında nasıl yansıtıldı?

BBC Londra'da uzun yıllar gazeteci olan Dimitar Dimitrov, Sofya'da "Bulgar kadını ve Dünya" başlıklı yeni kitabını sundu. Çok dilli baskı, kitaplardan, müzik eserlerinden, kartpostallardan ve dergilerden alınan metinler ve resimler içerip, Bulgar..

22.12.21 12:44 |
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