Astăzi, Biserica Ortodoxă Bulgară cinstește memoria Sfântului Ioan Botezătorul, cunoscut și ca Sfântul Ioan Înaintemergătorul, pentru că a pregătit oamenii pentru venirea Mântuitorului. Ziua dedicată Sfântului Ioan Botezătorul, cunoscută în Bulgaria ca..
En la localidad de Alvanovo, al noreste de Bulgaria, se mantiene viva la tradición de "bañar a los yernos" en Ivanovden . Este ritual se realiza para garantizar la salud y la prosperidad de las familias jóvenes que se comprometieron el año anterior,..
On Ivanovden, the village of Alvanovo (Northeastern Bulgaria) observes the custom called "Bathing the Sons-in-Law". The ritual is performed for health and prosperity of young couples who got married in the past year, reported BTA, referring to Valya..
La Iglesia Ortodoxa hoy rinde homenaje a san Juan Bautista, llamado asimismo Predecesor, ya que preparó a las personas para la venida de Jesucristo. En Bulgaria el día consagrado a san Juan, que se conoce como Ivanovden, se celebra inmediatamente..
Today, The Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saint John the Baptist, also known as Saint John the Forerunner, because he prepared people for the coming of the Savior. The day dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, known in Bulgaria as..
With an authentic ritual that has no analogue in Bulgaria, the residents of the village of Karaisen, Northern Bulgaria, celebrate St. John's Day (Ivanovden in Bulgarian). The holiday is called "Ivanovi Vlachugi" (dragging, pulling on Saint John's Day)..
It takes knowledge, dedication and a lot of hard work to make a good knife, says Ivan Kyupov from the village of Krupnik (south-west Bulgaria). His passion for knives goes back to his childhood, but it was only eight years ago that he made a conscious..
On January 7, one day after the Feast of Epiphany, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrates the Synaxis of the Holy Glorious Prophet, John the Forerunner, the man who baptized Christ . M ore than 347,000 Bulgarians celebrate their name day o n St...
Pas festës së Epifanisë, ose Ditës së Ujit të Bekuar dhe larjes rituale të burrave, seria e zakoneve të janarit po vazhdon me festimin e Ditës së Ivanit më 7 janar. Në kalendarin e kishës, kjo është dita e Joan Pararendësit e Pagëzorit , i..
Después de la Epifanía y la tradicional danza joró en las aguas gélidas en que participan los hombres, la serie de ritos celebrados en enero continúa el día de san Juan, 7 de enero, cuando la Iglesia Ortodoxa venera a san Juan..