Le "Goethe Institut" de Sofia et l'association "Fabrique d'idées" organisent ce 25 février à Sofia un débat sur le rôle de la culture dans la lutte contre les violences et l'agressivité des jeunes. La discussion portera sur le rapport entre l'apathie..
The Bulgarian-Belgian Orpheus Association for promoting culture and art is organizing a concert in Brussels for St. Valentine's Day and the Day of Trifon Zarezan. The concert dedicated to love and wine will feature pianist Antoniya..
A two-day festival of non-fiction books “Science, art and culture” is opening within the frameworks of the 51 st Sofia International Book Festival at the National Palace of Culture. Over the weekend, fans of history, art, cultural tourism and..
Joy, optimism and good mood. This is what the team of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Bratislava promise us. On December 8, at Teatro Colorato in the Slovak capital, at 6 p.m. local time, the concert "Let it be Jazz, Let it be..
The caretaker Minister of Culture Nayden Todorov participated in a meeting of the Council of Ministers of Culture of South-East Europe, which was held under the presidency of Montenegro and in cooperation with the UNESCO Regional..
Bulgarian Head of State Rumen Radev presented the Presidential Badge of Honor to prominent figures with significant achievements in the fields of culture, education and science. Among those awarded are: Vasil Vassilev - journalist and chairman of..
Le chef de l’État Roumen Radev a décerné la médaille d'honneur présidentielle à des personnes qui se sont distinguées dans les domaines de la culture, l'éducation et les sciences. La distinction présidentielle a été remise au journaliste Vassil Vassilev,..
“A story that is worthy of a movie” is what we often say when we hear about some incredible event or an interesting story. It is cinema that seems to help today's digitally dependent person, for whom the magical worlds of paper books..
Située à la croisee des civilisations anciennes, la Bulgarie propose de remarquables sites historiques entourés des plus belles plages de la mer Noire et des stations de sports d’hiver enneigées. Sur sa surface compacte de 111 000 mètres carrés, le..
The ninth edition of the initiative Poetry in the Metro opens today and lasts until 23 December. The project was initiated by the Polish Cultural Institute in Sofia. It includes poems by 20 European writers. They will be displayed on panels..