Famous for its healing mineral springs and the richness of historical and natural landmarks, Kyustendil is also a center of scientific activity related to fruit growing. It is known that in this region the best Bulgarian cherries, apples, as well..
The Piano Extravaganza Festival is one of the most exquisite music events in the Bulgarian capital. The programming of the forthcoming 10 th edition has undergone some changes, but in the current situation this is inevitable. Due to the unstable..
The 38 th edition of The Golden Rose, the oldest and only Bulgarian feature film festival which traditionally presents the latest Bulgarian films, starts on September 24 th . The screenings will be held in the halls of the Festival and Congress..
Geleneksel olarak son çekilen filmleri sunan, ülkemizin en eski ve tek Bulgar sinema filmi festivali olan "Altın Gül" otuz sekizinci kez düzenleniyor. Gösterimler Varna'da Festival Merkezi salonlarında ve online olarak yapılacak. Etkinliğin basın..
Comienza la edición 38 de Rosa de Oro, el más antiguo y el único festival búlgaro para películas de ficción que por tradición presenta las más recientes cintas. Las proyecciones tendrán lugar en las salas del Centro de Festivales y Congresos de Varna,..
“Five premieres of works by Bulgarian authors, presented by Bulgarian performers. Immodest as it may sound I think this is a significant contribution, given the difficulties musicians have been facing,” says Prof. Borislava Taneva, artistic director..
1992 yılında kurulan Varna Yaz Caz Festivali, programdaki sanatçıların seçiminde titizliğin ve tavizsiz profesyonelliğin simgesi oldu. 2000 yılından bu yana, Varna Arkeoloji Müzesi'nin açıkalanda olan"İngiliz bahçesinde" düzenleniyor ve izleyicilere..
Established in 1992, the Varna Summer jazz festival has long ago grown to be a symbol of top-notch professionalism in terms of selection of artists for its programme. Since 2000 the festival has taken place on the outdoor stage in the English garden..
Diana Damrau – one of the most remarkable opera singers of our time, will open the new season of the Sofia Philharmonic in early September . The star of the Metropolitan Opera will perform together with French bass Nicolas Testé, who is also..
6 Ağustos'ta Bulgar Ortodoks Kilisesi, takvimdeki en parlak tarihlerden biri olan Metamorfoz yortusunu kutluyor. İncil metinlerine göre, İsa bu günde üç öğrencisine ilahi kökenini açıkladı. Kutsal kitaplardan da bilindiği gibi, İsa, takipçilerini..
Отец Любомир Леонтинов е един от тримата свещеници при катедралния храм "Свети Цар Борис Покръстител" в Берлин . Преди повече от 30 години, той е..
Днешната неделя, 9 март тази година, е първата от Великия пост. Светата ни Църква я нарича "Православна". В нея се възпоменава победата,..
На 9 март Православната църква почита паметта на Светите Четиридесет мъченици Севастийски. Това са 40 доблестни войни, които отказали да се поклонят на..