According to Gospel texts, on this day Jesus Christ revealed to three of his disciples that he was the Son of God. “You were transfigured upon the mount, O Christ our God, and Your disciples, insofar as they could bear, beheld Your glory...
The Balchik Classic Days music festival continues today (July 30) with the only jazz concert in the program. The musicians of the "Funkallero" with leader pianist Vasil Spasov will perform on the stage in the Black Sea town of Balchik..
Founded in the 5 th century BC, Bulgaria’s coastal town of Pomorie attracts visitors with its countless sights – historical sites, nature reserve, rare plant and animal species, etc. The town is located on a rocky peninsula near the district..
Milattan önce 10. asırda dünyaya gelen İlyas Peygamber Ortodoks Hristiyanları tarafından en çok sevilen, sayılan azizlerden birisidir. Harun peygamberin soyundan gelmektedir. İlyas Peygamber, putperestliğe ve peygamberlerin öldürülmesine karşı..
Born in the 10 th century BC, a descendent of Aaron, he was abstemious in food, humble in clothing and strict with himself and with others. His life was filled with miracles which started in his childhood years. Legend has it that his father had a..
"Impressive as fireworks after silence" - this is how jazz singer Vassil Petrov describes his new program. He will present it on a national tour, which starts with a concert in Plovdiv on July 21. Concerts follow in Burgas, Petrich, Varna,..
Losing one’s way between history and modernity, stopping, or, even better, turning back time… We have all, at one time or another wanted to go back in time without leaving the present. There are places like that in Bulgaria, they still exist. One..
Caz şarkıcısı Vasil Petrov yeni programı hakkında “sessizliğin ardından görkemli bir havai fişek gibi” tanımını veriyor. Şarkıcı Vasil Petrov, yeni programını 21 Temmuz’da Plovdiv’de bir konserle başlayacak ulusal turne ile tanıtacak. Turne..
One of the biggest cultural events in Bulgaria, A to Jazz, owes its fame to the magnificent selection of musicians and the choice of stage located in one of the parks in the capital city. The festival, which attracted more than 35,000 people in 2019..
"Wonderful summer evenings await us, filled with songs, dances and the sea breeze," says the folk singer from the Strandzha region, Zlatka Stavreva, artistic director of the upcoming music and dance festival entitled Folklore Pletenitsa...
Отец Любомир Леонтинов е един от тримата свещеници при катедралния храм "Свети Цар Борис Покръстител" в Берлин . Преди повече от 30 години, той е..
Днешната неделя, 9 март тази година, е първата от Великия пост. Светата ни Църква я нарича "Православна". В нея се възпоменава победата,..
На 9 март Православната църква почита паметта на Светите Четиридесет мъченици Севастийски. Това са 40 доблестни войни, които отказали да се поклонят на..