Over 12,000 foreigners from non-EU countries have received various types of work permits in the country since the beginning of the year. According to the Employment Agency, construction is the main sector in which foreigners in Bulgaria are..
Employment is one of the weak links in the Western Balkans. The share of the informal sector in the economy is very high, as well as attrition and depopulation. The informal sector in Kosovo reaches 60%, Veselin Mitov, international..
In 2022, the total poverty line for Bulgaria is BGN 525.92 /EUR 268.43/ per household person per month on average. 1.572 million people, or 22.9% of the country's population, were below the poverty line, according to data from the National Statistical..
Since the beginning of 2023, the number of unemployed citizens who have registered with the employment agency offices across the country has exceeded 36,000 . Of these, 20,230 people were able to find a job thanks to the employment services...
With the help of the employment centres in the country, a total of 12 , 037 people started work in January. More than 20% of them have found jobs in the processing industry, followed by trade, public administration and the hospitality..
With amendments to the Labor Migration and Mobility Act, the Bulgarian parliament introduced a flexible regime for the possibilities of remote work and long-term and short-term business trips, including on the territory of the EU. The..
“The moment you become very good at something, the high incomes will inevitably come. The world needs all kinds of people who can do a variety of things," a Bulgarian career development specialist says. However, it is important..
Bulgaria's National Social Security Institute (NOI) has revealed a large-scale scheme to drain the Pensions Fund. It refers to false documents from closed enterprises, about dozens of people appointed to the same position, about signing employment..
A new investment project in Chirpan will bring employment to about 100 people. The investor in a new shopping park is a company based in Stara Zagora which is building similar ones in three more towns- Gorna Oryahovitsa, Dimitrovgrad and Haskovo...
70% of Bulgarian employers are struggling to find suitable employees, according to a study by the Employment Agency on the labor market and the needs of employers. "The aim of the survey is to feed information to training institutes and..