72% of Roma in Bulgaria do not know if there is a law prohibiting discrimination, reads the report "Discrimination against Roma in Croatia and Bulgaria" presented by the Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance. 84% of the respondents do..
The Roma community are finding it difficult to adapt to the labour market in Bulgaria, said Gancho Iliev, chair of the “World without Borders” association for the BNR’s Radio Stara Zagora. Many of the Roma tend to look for an income on a daily..
“Employment recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic must become priority No.1 for the country,” Minister of Labour and Social Policy Galab Donev said in his address to the International Confederation of Labour. In his words the quality of the..
“A gradual transition is apparent in the country - from a closing of the economy to a revival and recovery. This is confirmed also by the level of unemployment, which as of 2 June stood at 5.65%, a drop of 37% compared to a year earlier,” Minister of..
Bulgaria has extended four measures in support of families and employment, implemented under the Human Resource Development Operational Programme, including the 60/40 wage support scheme and “Keep Me” measure, announced the National Employment Agency...
In 2020, the European Union labor market was strongly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, indicates data of Eurostat. Between 2019 and 2020, employment rate in Spain fell 2.3% to 65.7%. Employment rate in Ireland decreased by 1.7% to 73.4% and..
The Bulgarian government has extended until the end of May the employment measures known as "60/40" and "80/20" in support of employers in the sectors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The "Keep me" measure to compensate employees from closed..
The “60/40” measure aimed at preserv ing employment during the pandemic will be extended from April 1 to May 31, according to government plans , BNR's Horizon t program has reported. The proposal will..
160,000 young Bulgarians neither work nor study, this country’s Minister of Labor and Social Policy Denitsa Sacheva said at a forum aimed to promote employment among the Roma, organized by the Embassy of Switzerland in Bulgaria. “People with..
Under the measure 60/40 in support of businessеs and employees, BGN 629 million have been paid so far , it became clear at the last meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation. Thus, 250,000 employees in 11,000 companies managed..