According to the latest Eurostat data for 2020, published today, 80% of Bulgarians of working age up to 65 living in households with low economic activity are at risk of poverty. According to this indicator, the country ranks fourth among the..
Bulgaria had expected more Ukrainians of Bulgarian origin to seek refuge in the country from the conflict in Ukraine. Most of them, however, have not fled their homes. This is what Vice President Iliana Iotova told BNR. She pointed out that..
At the end of June and at the beginning of July, less than 5,000 people were registered in the labour offices, while the number of newly employed was twice higher - more 10,000. According to Atanaska Todorova, a labour market expert at the..
T he Ministry of Labour and Social Policy will support the professional development of about 115,000 young people until 2027, through the budget of the Bulgaria's Human Resources Development operational programme 2021-2027. This was announced by the..
More than 330,000 Ukrainians have entered Bulgaria since the beginning of the war. To date, about 78,000 people are residing in the country . Approximately half of them are accommodated in state-owned facilities and hotels under the new humanitarian..
All Ukrainians under temporary protection status have the right to stay in Bulgaria until 24 February 2023 . Refusal of accommodation in a state-run facility does not take away their rights to social benefits, healthcare and education, or the right..
The mobile units of the National Employment Agency have consulted more than 20,000 Ukrainians, over 2,400 have started work . Ten job fairs have so far taken place in the towns with compact groups of Ukrainian citizens. 86 mobile employment..
6,500 Ukrainian citizens have already looked for work using the services of the labour offices across Bulgaria , the Employment Agency has reported. Another 10,000 refugees have consulted mobile teams. Among the most sought-after job vacancies by..
After gaining status, Ukrainian citizens will be able to be employed under subsidized employment programs which could be used by employers . Before the Bulgarian National Radio, Deputy Minister of Social Affairs Ivan Krastev pointed out that Bulgaria's..
Bulgaria's caretaker government has provided an additional BGN 61 million (EUR 31 million) to the Ministry of Health to continue paying bonuses of BGN 1,000 (EUR 511) to medical and non-medical personnel on the front lines in the fight against Covid-19...