The migration crisis is the main topic of today's talks between Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Bulgarian Prime Minister has arrived in Berlin from Istanbul, where he met Turkish President Recep Tayyip..
In the course of her visit to USA, Bulgarian Interior Minister Rumyana Bachvarova discussed the migration processes, security and the fight against corruption with Victoria Nuland, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs...
Over 25,000 foreign nationals settled in Bulgaria in 2015. 25% of them arrived from Turkey, 15% came from Syria and nearly 14%-from the Russian Federation. The rest arrived from other countries, including EU member states. On the other hand, nearly..
On June 20 we mark the World Day of Refugees. On this occasion the UN Supreme Commissariat for refugees published a report, according to which in 2015 the number of refugees across the globe has for the first time in history gone above the..
Austria is ready to help Bulgaria boost security along its borders, Director General for Public Security with the Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Austria Konrad Kogler told Secretary General of the Bulgarian Ministry of..
The first round of Turkey’s bargaining with Brussels for containing the migration crisis took place last week. The results were presented by the authorities in Sofia as moderately optimistic. Straight after the summit PM Boyko Borissov said that..
“Austria is going to support Bulgaria in different ways”, that country’s Federal Minister of the Interior Johanna Mikl-Leitner told the press in Burgas. „One way is by providing security of borders. Secondly, we plan to further our stable cooperation..
As a European Union outer border Bulgaria makes great efforts and strictly applies all provisions of European and Schengen legislation with a view to halting migration pressure, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has said today during talks at the..
The European border agency FRONTEX does not rule out the possibility of a stronger migration pressure on Bulgaria. In the wake of shutting down the so-called Balkan Route it is possible to see the current flow of migrants dividing into two,..
La vice-présidente de la République de Bulgarie Margarita Popova s’est entretenue avec le représentant régional de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) Bruxelles, Monsieur Bernd Hemingway, le conseiller principal régional pour..