Landwirte haben landesweit mit Blockaden an einer Reihe wichtiger Straßen und Grenzübergänge begonnen. Vertreter von 26 Branchenorganisationen haben einen unbefristeten landesweiten Protest des Landwirte angekündigt und fordern den Rücktritt der..
Die protestierenden Landwirte kommen jetzt mit Forderungen, die bereits gelöst sind oder mit Forderungen, die nicht gelöst werden können, weil Fristen gesetzt werden, die nicht eingehalten werden können. Einige von ihnen hängen mit Genehmigungen der..
The protesting Bulgarian farmers are currently coming out with demands that have been resolved, or those that cannot be resolved because deadlines are being set that cannot be met . Some of them are related to the approvals of the European Commission..
Eine Drohne wurde in den Felsen in der Nähe des Dorfes Tjulenowo an der nördlichen Schwarzmeerküste entdeckt. Sie wurde von Anwohnern des Dorfes am Meeresufer gesichtet . Diese riefen am 17. September nach 21.00 Uhr die Notrufnummer 112 an...
Hours after he made the categorical statement that he does not negotiate with terrorists, Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov said he would invite the grain growers "to a subsequent meeting" and said he hoped they would respond. The reason for the row is..
The prime minister and the grain producers should refrain from the harsh qualifications and threats, GERB leader Boyko Borissov told journalists in the Black sea resort of Albena. He added that problems are solved at the negotiating table and that Nikolai..
"I will not negotiate with terrorists", Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov commented , after grain growers refused to meet him. Agriculture producers announced a national protest against the resumed import of Ukrainian produce. Mr. Denkov described the..
Grain producers, dissatisfied with MPs decision to waive the ban on imports of Ukrainian produce, have sent a letter to Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov , stating that they refused to meet with him, he told BNT. The prime minister invited them to a meeting..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov invited the grain growers to a meeting, which is expected to take place today. In his words, it is up to those employed in the grain industry to continue the dialogue. "The protest of the grain growers..
During the past months, we directed our efforts towards the development of modernized defense and guaranteed protection of our national interests from foreign aggression, Bulgarian Minister of Defense Todor Tagarev said. The..