"I will not negotiate with terrorists", Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov commented , after grain growers refused to meet him. Agriculture producers announced a national protest against the resumed import of Ukrainian produce. Mr. Denkov described the..
Grain producers, dissatisfied with MPs decision to waive the ban on imports of Ukrainian produce, have sent a letter to Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov , stating that they refused to meet with him, he told BNT. The prime minister invited them to a meeting..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov invited the grain growers to a meeting, which is expected to take place today. In his words, it is up to those employed in the grain industry to continue the dialogue. "The protest of the grain growers..
During the past months, we directed our efforts towards the development of modernized defense and guaranteed protection of our national interests from foreign aggression, Bulgarian Minister of Defense Todor Tagarev said. The..
Das Parlament hat beschlossen, das Verbot von Getreideeinfuhren aus der Ukraine nach dem 15. September aufzuheben. Der Beschluss wurde mit 124 Stimmen der Mehrheitsabgeordneten und der DPS gefasst. 69 Abgeordnete stimmten dagegen und 8 enthielten..
Le ministère des Finances allouera 32 millions d'euros d'aide aux producteurs agricoles après la levée de l'interdiction d'importer des céréales d'Ukraine , annonce le service de presse du ministère. L'octroi de cette somme sera voté en Conseil des..
Bulgaria will not provide S-300 missile systems to Ukraine, PP-DB MP Ivaylo Mirchev said. He stressed that Bulgaria's aid to the invaded country would not put at risk the country's national security. "Bulgaria does not have any unnecessary air defence..
Bulgarian Parliament has voted to lift the ban on grain imports from Ukraine after 15 September. The decision was taken with 124 votes in favour by the MPs from the majority and the MRF party. There were 69 votes against and 8 abstentions. The..
On September 13, the Council of Ministers approved the Memorandum of Intent between the Bulgarian and Ukrainian Ministries of Defence . It has yet to be ratified by Defense Minister Todor Tagarev. The Memorandum outlines a wide range of areas for..
Eine Absichtserklärung zwischen dem bulgarischen und dem ukrainischen Verteidigungsministerium wurde heute, am 13. September, vom Ministerrat gebilligt. Sie soll von Verteidigungsminister Todor Tagarew unterzeichnet werden. Das Memorandum..