Eмисия новини
от 21.00 часа

„Socar” Burgas “Lukoil” işletmesini satın alma imkanını değerlendireccek

Nisan sonunda Sofya’da “Socar” Azerbaycan Devlet Petrol Şirketinin ofisi açıldı. Bu temsilcilik bütün bölge için merkezi bir ofis halindedir, dedi “Euronews Bulgaria“ televizyonuna konuşan Azerbaycan Büyükelçisi Huseyn Huseynov. Büyükelçi..

24.12.23 16:31 |

Comisia Congresului SUA solicită clarificări cu privire la Lukoil Burgas și importul de petrol rusesc

SUA a cerut oficial clarificări cu privire la ce amendamente legislative legate de Lukoil, petrolul rusesc și derogarea pentru importul acestuia au fost adoptate de parlamentul bulgar.  Solicitarea a fost făcută de Comisia pentru afaceri externe a..

21.12.23 13:15 |

US Congress Committee requests clarification regarding Lukoil Burgas and the import of Russian oil

The US has officially asked for clarification regarding what legislative amendments connected with Lukoil, Russian oil and the derogation for its import have been adopted by Bulgarian parliament.   The request was made by the Foreign..

21.12.23 11:42 |

Statul nu va permite vânzarea fictivă a rafinăriei Lukoil

Dacă va exista o vânzare a Lukoil, aceasta ar trebui să fie către un proprietar clar, un investitor strategic în companie. Acest lucru a fost declarat de ministrul de finanțe Asen Vasilev la Nova TV. Comentariul se referă la informația potrivit..

11.12.23 13:15 |

Shteti nuk do të lejojë shitjen fiktive të rafinerisë “Lukoil”

Nëse ka një shitje të “Lukoil”, ajo duhet t'i bëhet një pronari të qartë, një investitor strategjik në kompani. Kështu deklaroi ministri i financave Asen Vasilev për Nova TV. Komenti ka të bëjë me informacionin se "Lukoil" po rishqyrton aktivitetet e..

11.12.23 11:22 |

The state will not allow fictitious sale of Lukoil refinery

If there is a sale of Lukoil, it should be to a clear owner, a strategic investor in the company. This was stated by Finance Minister Assen Vassilev to Nova TV. The comment is about the information that Lukoil is reviewing its operation in Bulgaria and..

11.12.23 10:52 |

Bulgaria no permitirá la venta ficticia de la refinería de Lukoil

Si se vende la refinería de Lukoil, el comprador debe ser un propietario claro, que sea un inversor estratégico en la empresa. Esto ha afirmado el ministro de Finanzas, Asen Vassilev, para Nova TV. El comentario se refiere a la información de que..

11.12.23 10:35 |
Bulgarian President Rumen Radev.

Bulgarian president victim of video hoax 

A fake video with the image and voice of the Bulgarian president has been removed from the Internet , the Interior Ministry's press centre said. The immediate action by the specialised services of the General Directorate for Combating Organised Crime was..

09.12.23 15:26 |

Σύμφωνα με βουλγαρικά ΜΜΕ, η Lukoil θα αγοραστεί από την SOCAR

Η κρατική εταιρεία πετρελαίου του Αζερμπαϊτζάν SOCAR είναι ο πιο πιθανός αγοραστής του διυλιστηρίου Lukoil Neftochim Burgas, ανακοίνωσε η ιστοσελίδα της εφημερίδας «Τρουντ». Στα τέλη Απριλίου 2023 η SOCAR άνοιξε γραφείο στη Σόφια παρουσία των Προέδρων..

06.12.23 12:24 |

Media speculations appear that Lukoil in Burgas will be bought by Azerbaijan's SOCAR

The Azerbaijani state oil company SOCAR is the most likely buyer of the Lukoil Neftohim Burgas refinery, reported the site of the Trud newspaper. At the end of April 2023, SOCAR opened an office in Sofia in the presence of the presidents of Bulgaria and..

06.12.23 12:12 |
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