Eмисия новини
от 12.00 часа

There is no EC procedure against Bulgaria because of Lukoil

At this stage, there is no procedure launched by the European Commission against Bulgaria, EC spokesperson Daniel Ferrie said. This is how he answered the question whether there was an investigation against the country due to reports..

10.11.23 16:00 |

Diputados han reclamado el inmediato cese de la derogación del petróleo ruso

“Desde hace un año llevamos diciendo que todos los beneficios de la derogación son para Lukoil y el régimen de Putin, y que el consumidor búlgaro no tiene ningún provecho”, ha comentado el diputado del GERB Delyan Dobrev la información en la prensa de una..

10.11.23 15:35 |

MPs call for immediate termination of derogation for Russian oil

"We have been claiming for a year that all the benefits of the derogation are for Lukoil and the Putin regime and that the Bulgarian consumer has no benefit from it," GERB MP Delyan Dobrev said, commenting published information that Russian company..

10.11.23 15:25 |

Deputetët kërkuan një ndërprerje të menjëhershme të derogimit për naftën ruse

"Ne kemi një vit që pretendojmë se të gjitha përfitimet e derogimit janë për Lukoil dhe regjimin e Putinit dhe se konsumatori bullgar nuk ka asnjë përfitim," komentoi deputeti i GERB, Deljan Dobrev. Ai bëri të ditur se është duke përgatitur një..

10.11.23 15:23 |

European Commission to investigate Bulgaria over evasion of sanctions against Russia by Lukoil

“The European Commission will probe Bulgaria after a Russian oil firm (Lukoil – editorial note) in the country exploited a loophole in EU sanctions to raise €1 billion for the Kremlin’s war chest,” writes Politico , as quoted by the BNR..

10.11.23 08:46 |

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή θα διερευνήσει τη Βουλγαρία λόγω παράκαμψης των κυρώσεων από πλευράς της Lukoil

Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή θα διερευνήσει τη Βουλγαρία, αφού κατέστη σαφές ότι η ρωσική εταιρεία Lukoil παρέκαμψε τις κυρώσεις της ΕΕ, για να κερδίσει 1 δισεκατομμύριο ευρώ για τις στρατιωτικές ανάγκες του Κρεμλίνου. Την είδηση ανακοίνωσε η έκδοση Politico,..

10.11.23 08:38 |

AK, “Lukoil”in yaptırımları ihlal etmesi nedeniyle Bulgaristan hakkında soruşturma başlatacak

Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu BNR’nin Brüksel muhabiri Angelina Piskova’nın aktardığı üzere, “Politico” haberine göre, Avrupa Komisyonu, Rus “ Lukoil ” şirketinin Kremlin ’ in askeri ihtiyaçları için 1 milyar avro kazanmak amacıyla Avrupa..

10.11.23 08:29 |

Hükümet “Lukoil Neftohim”e karşı gerekli tedbirleri aldı

Başbakan Nikolay Denkov, ““Lukoil Neftohim”in AB ve ABD’nin Rusya’ya yönelik yaptırımlarını atlatmaya yönelik yolsuzluk planı tarafımızca biliniyor” sözlerini kullandı . Sivil toplum kuruluşlarının hazırladığı raporda, Burgas’daki rafinerinin..

09.11.23 14:38 |
Nikolai Denkov

The government has already taken steps against Lukoil Neftochim, PM Denkov says

“We are aware of Lukoil Neftochim’s corruption scheme for evading the EU and US sanctions against Russia,” commented Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov in Sofia. The oil refinery in Burgas violated EU and US embargo on Russian oil, CSD say..

09.11.23 13:52 |
Rafineria e naftës Lukoil Neftohim në Burgas

Qeveria ka marrë masat e nevojshme ndaj “Lukoil Neftohim”

Skema e korrupsionit e “Lukoil Neftohim” për të anashkaluar sanksionet e BE-së dhe SHBA-së kundër Rusisë është e njohur për ne, komentoi në Sofje kryeministri Nikollaj Denkov. Një raport i organizatave joqeveritare njoftoi se rafineria në Burgas..

09.11.23 13:43 |
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