The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, has promised support to the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, for the purchase of the reactors from Bulgaria , bTV reported. The goal is to use the Russian..
Le directeur général de l'Agence internationale de l'energie atomique /AIEA/, Rafael Grossi à promis son soutien à l'Ukraine pour le rachat des réacteurs de la Bulgarie, annonce la chaîne bTV. L'idée est que l'équipement russe destiné initialement au..
Bulgaria’s Defence Minister Atanas Zapryanov confirmed that Bulgaria has sent Ukraine Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems, public service TV BNT reports. These weapons are unserviceable and no explicit sanction by parliament is needed,..
Les ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'UE ont fait leur rentrée politique à Bruxelles. La Bulgarie était représentée par son nouveau ministre intérimaire Ivan Kondov. Les entretiens ont porté sur la situation en Ukraine, les derniers développements de..
On August 29, the EU Foreign Ministers held their first meeting of the new political season. Bulgaria was represented by Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Kondov. The agenda included the situation in Ukraine, developments in the Middle East..
Bulgarian Patriarch Daniil has called on the faithful to pray for the strengthening of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is threatened with closure . He presided over the holy liturgy celebrated today in the church "St. Ivan Rilski" in Pernik...
On the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine, the historical building of the Bulgarian Parliament was illuminated with the colors of the Ukrainian flag. "The celebration of Ukraine's Independence Day is an expression of Bulgaria's solidarity..
Fünf Fotoserien zeigen die Schrecken des Krieges in der ukrainischen Stadt Mykolajiw. Die Ausstellung „Die visuelle Geschichte von Mykolajiw: Tattoos des Krieges - Fotobeweise aus der Ukraine“ wird im Rahmen des 11. Festivals „FotoFabrika“..
20.8% of Bulgarians say they want to live under authoritarian rule, another 10% are supporters of communism, indicates a survey conducted by Alpha Research agency commissioned by the Human and Social Studies Foundation-Sofia. 64% of the..
Bulgarien möchte, dass die Europäische Kommission einen Schutzmechanismus für bulgarische Eierproduzenten wegen übermäßiger Importe aus der Ukraine in Gang setzt, gab Landwirtschafts- und Ernährungsminister Georgi Tachow bekannt. Bei einem..