Revenues from tourism during the winter season will increase by 30% compared to 2019, and by 15% compared to last season, mostly because of inflation and the increased level of tourist offers, said Rumen Draganov, Director of the Institute for..
We expect more than 13 million tourists to come to Bulgaria in 2024, and an increase of 5-7%, said the director of the Institute for Analysis and Assessment in Tourism Rumen Draganov in an interview with Radio Burgas, BNR. The expert believes..
“We should stick to the 2022 holiday season budgets. There is no reason to pay more during the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays,” said Rumen Draganov, Director of the Institute for Analysis and Assessment in Tourism in an interview with the..
Before and after the pandemic – this is watershed by which we continue to determine whether the tourism year was a success or not. The year before Covid-19, 2019, is considered one of the most productive in the tourist industry But what happened in..
One more pandemic year is drawing to a close, as the people working in the tourism industry turn to stocktaking and making plans for the near future, as hazy as it may be. It is true that the pandemic turned our lives and travel plans around..
“ Around half a million trips are expected to be taken at Christmas the New Year in Bulgaria. Approximately 60,000 will be trips outside of the country, mostly to neighbouring countries. Outbound passengers will travel to Europe to see friends and..
“Bulgaria is in the dark-red Covid zone. Tourism is affected by this. There are two months to go until the start of the winter season and the situation could improve,” Rumen Draganov from the Institute for Analysis and Assessment in Tourism..
Tourists are very interested in Bulgaria. In 2021, the number of tourists in this country is twice bigger as compared to last year. The outlook for the winter season is also better, because the flights to Great Britain and Russia will resume. Bulgaria..
Europeans feel great in Bulgaria, because there are not so many restrictions in this country- people do not have to wear face masks outdoors and unvaccinated people can visit cafes and restaurants, Associate Professor Rumen Draganov, Director of the..
In early April, tour operators need to know if they will be allowed to organize tourist trips during the Easter holiday. In an interview for the Bulgarian National Television, Prof. Rumen Draganov from the Bulgarian Tourist Union clarified that the..