The Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association has asked the government for a short-term measure to provide energy aid to Bulgarian business. The industry is calling for compensation for the consumed electricity in the period October 1..
The price of electricity for businesses is at shock levels, the same is the case with alternative fuels such as gas and coal, the Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria warned at a meeting with Energy Minister Andrey Zhivkov. He, in turn,..
One third of the electricity produced in Bulgaria is currently exported to neighbouring countries. This was said by the executive director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding Valentin Nikolov. To reduce the risk of rising electricity prices for the..
The forthcoming market union with Romania will not have a significant impact on electricity prices. This is what CEO of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange Konstantin Konstantinov said. Speaking to the parliamentary..
Employers' organizations have sent a letter to the Interior Ministry, the State Agency for National Security, the General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime, the Prosecutor General, the Specialized Prosecutor's Office and the Sofia City..
A petition in support of Maritsa East Mines and Maritsa East-2 thermal power plant has been launched in the town of Yambol (Southeast Bulgaria). It was organized by the Confederation of Labor Podkrepa. The organizers of the petition insist that..
Electricity prices in Bulgaria are 50 percent higher than those in the main export markets for Bulgarian industry - Germany, Italy, France, Austria. This is stated in a letter from the Association of the Organizations of Bulgarian..
Bulgaria’s households were badly surprised on the first day of July, because this country’s Energy and Water Regulatory Commission approved higher prices of basic utilities. The price of central heating and hot water increased between 4% and 23%...
The prices of central heating are to rise between 4 and 23% in various Bulgarian districts. In Sofia the rise will be 20%. The highest rise of heating price is in Veliko Tarnovo - 23%. This has been the decision of the Energy and Water Regulatory..
TPP Maritza East 2 will sell 1 million megawatt-hours of its electricity on the regulated market for a period of one year. This has become clear from an order signed by Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov. The goal is avoiding stop of operation of..