Selon les derniers chiffres de l'Institut national de la Statistique, la Bulgarie compte 6 520 314 habitants, soit 844 000 de moins qu'il y a 10 ans, lors du dernier recensement national. La situation démographique dramatique est due en partie à la..
The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds will mark the World Migratory Bird Day observed globally on October 9 through a video installation in the Sofia subway. The screens in the subway will broadcast the flights of the Egyptian vulture, the..
Les 2 et 3 octobre pour la 28 e année consécutive la Bulgarie rejoindra les Journées européennes de la migration. Elles sont accompagnées de différentes manifestations organisées par la Société bulgare de protection des oiseaux dans tout le pays...
La Police des frontières de la ville d’Elhovo constate un sérieux renforcement de la pression migratoire à la frontière avec la Turquie. D’après cette dernière, environ 100 à 200 migrants essayent d’entrer quotidiennement en territoire bulgare mais n’y..
President Rumen Radev is convening the Consultative Council on National Security (CCNS) today to discuss the financial measures necessary for thwarting a potential health, social and economic crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic. The second..
There is an increased migration pressure on the country, but it is not uncommon. This is how the caretaker Minister of Interior Boyko Rashkov assessed the situation in response to a question in parliament. The Minister clarified that..
At today's parliamentary session, Minister of Interior Boyko Rashkov will be heard. He must provide information on the level of migratory pressure and illegal migration on the territory of Bulgaria during the period of the caretaker government..
A border police officer has found six illegal immigrants in a hiding place on the floor of a van during an inspection of the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint , the Ministry of Interior announced. The vehicle was driven by a Turkish citizen who was..
Les tentatives de migrants clandestins de franchir la frontière bulgaro-turque ont augmenté 8 fois, a constaté la Police aux frontières au cours des 4 premiers mois de 2021 en comparaison avec la même période de 2020. Y ont été interpellés 147 migrants..
25 migrants from Afghanistan have been detained on the Thrace highway near the village of Vakarel, Sofia region. They had probably been abandoned by traffickers. Officals from the Ministry of Interior told the BNR that the refugees were spotted walking..