The moratorium on electricity, heating and water prices еxpires on March 31st . The price freeze would not be extended, Radoslav Ribarski , head of the Energy Committee in parliament, confirmed to BNR. He said that he did not expect any price..
Bulgarian citizens should not give in to panic, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov urged after a meeting with employers. He was adamant that there would be no shortage of goods. We are putting out fire after fire, Petkov said, adding that there is..
Bulgaria's ombudsman Diana Kovacheva insists that the compensations for the household consumers of natural gas be increased. In a letter to the ministers of finance and energy Assen Vassilev and Alexander Nikolov, she informs that citizens feel..
The moratorium on electricity, heating and water prices, which expires on March 31st, would not be extended, Minister of Finance Assen Vassilev announced. The regulator has been calculating a price that is to take effect after the..
According to Bulgaria’s Energy Minister Alexander Nikolov, a possible stoppage of deliveries by Gazprom to Europe would indirectly impact the price of gas in this country. “This would mean a drastic rise in electricity prices in Europe,..
Bulgaria will negotiate with Azerbaijan for additional quantities of natural gas if there is a problem with Russian supplies of natural gas, said Energy Minister Alexander Nikolov in the relevant parliamentary committee. According to him, there is a..
In an interview for the BNR. Assoc. Prof Daniel Benatov , who lives in Kyiv stated that people there are afraid there might be electricity and petrol shortages. “There are a lot of people at the gas stations. For the time being, people with..
The Bulgarian Development Bank will help companies over unexpected increases in electricity prices, Minister of Innovation and Growth Daniel Lorer said. For this purpose, loans of up to 100,000 euros will be granted to small and medium-sized..
The new chairman of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, Stanislav Todorov, does not expect a significant rise in electricity prices for households after the moratorium is lifted. However, he did not make any predictions, as he needed more..
Representatives of the National Association of Municipalities and the Minister of Finance Assen Vassilev have agreed on additional compensation for the municipalities due to the high electricity bills , the chairman of the association Daniel Panov told..