Eмисия новини
от 09.00 часа

Amidst protests GERB remains first political force: Social survey

Five parties will enter the next National Assembly if elections were to be held today, indicates a national survey by Trend agency conducted in August. Despite the protests, the ruling GERB party has the support of 23 . 8%. Within the..

10.09.20 11:23 |
Hristo Terzisjki në Parlament

Protestuesit deklaruan se nuk do të japin dorëheqje

Pushtetarët thirrën në Parlament Ministrin e Brendshëm Hristo Terzijski me rastin e rritjes së tensionit të protestave në Sofje, kur u lënduan shumë policë dhe qytetarë. Duam përkrahje të plotë për veprimet e policisë, deklaroi në emër të..

03.09.20 11:24 |
Chrosto Tersijski am Rednerpult des Parlaments

Regierung tritt nicht zurück

Im Zusammenhang mit der Eskalation der Proteste in Sofia, bei denen Bürger und Polizisten verletzt wurden, fand auf Antrag der Regierungspolitiker eine Anhörung von Innenminister Christo Tersijski im Parlament statt. Im Namen der GERB-Partei..

03.09.20 11:05 |
 Χρίστο Τερζίσκι

Η κυβέρνηση δήλωσε ότι δεν θα παραιτηθεί

Το κυβερνών κόμμα GERB, κάλεσε τον υπουργό Εσωτερικών Χρίστο Τερζίσκι στο κοινοβούλιο, για την κλιμάκωση των διαδηλώσεων στη Σόφια, στις οποίες τραυματίστηκαν πολλοί αστυνομικοί και πολίτες. Εκφράζουμε πλήρη υποστήριξη στις ενέργειες της αστυνομίας,..

03.09.20 10:39 |

Διαφορετικές δηλώσεις στο κοινοβούλιο σχετικά με τη νέα κοινοβουλευτική σύνοδο

Η φθινοπωρινή σύνοδος της 44ης Εθνικής Συνέλευσης ξεκίνησε με ταραχές. Υπήρχε ένταση τόσο μπροστά από το κτίριο του Κοινοβουλίου, όπου ξέσπασε σύγκρουση μια ώρα νωρίτερα μεταξύ των διαδηλωτών εναντίον του κυβερνώντος κόμματος και της..

02.09.20 14:45 |

Diverse declarations in National Assembly at start of new parliamentary session

The autumn session of the 44th National Assembly has started turbulently. Tension was high both in front of the Parliament building, where a clash broke out an hour earlier between protesters against the ruling party and gendarmerie forces, as..

02.09.20 13:31 |

Sosyalistler sempatizanlarını yarınki protestoya katılmaya çağırdı

Ortak oturum yapan BSP ve "Bulgaristan için BSP" Meclis grubu yönetimleri, hükümetin ve başsavcı İvan Geşev'in istifa etmeleri talebi ile Bulgaristan vatandaşları tarafından düzenlenen ve iki aya yakın süredir devam eden protestolara verdikleri..

01.09.20 17:45 |

Socialists call on their supporters to take part in tomorrow's protest

At a joint meeting, the BSP leadership and the BSP for Bulgaria Parliamentary Group unanimously expressed their support for the nearly two-month-long protests of Bulgarian citizens demanding the resignation of the government and Prosecutor General..

01.09.20 17:35 |

Rechtsausschuss verabschiedet Novellen zum Wahlgesetz in erster Lesung

Der Rechtsausschuss im bulgarischen Parlament hat die von GERB unterbreiteten Änderungen im Wahlgesetz verabschiedet . Die Hälfte der Abgeordneten für die verfassungsgebende Volksversammlung soll durch eine Mehrheitswahl gewählt werden. In allen..

01.09.20 16:04 |

Kryeministri Bojko Borisov: Duan që të ketë përsëri “kabinet Oresharski”

“Dje u bënë të qarta shumë gjëra. Së pari se DPS nuk e përkrah GERB . Për të gjithë u bë e qartë se fjalët e tyre për Kuvend të Madh Popullor dhe kushtetutë të re kanë qenë të kota. Çfarë doli – se të gjithë kanë gënjyer! U bë e qartë për të..

01.09.20 12:08 |
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