El 21 de mayo la Iglesia Ortodoxa Búlgara celebra el día de los santos Constantino y Elena. Constantino fue el primer emperador romano reconocido oficialmente como cristiano. En el año 313, dos emperadores romanos, Licinio por Oriente, y Constantino, por..
21 May is the day of the Saints Constantine and Helena. Constantine was the first officially recognized Roman emperor who was Christian. In 313, Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan, making Christianity equal to all other religions..
21 Mayıs günü, Doğu Ortodoks Kilisesi tarafından havari olarak kabul edilen Az. Az. Konstantin ve Elena’nın bayramını kutluyoruz. Konstantin, Hristiyanlığı kabul eden ilk Roma imparatoru olarak resmen kabul edilmiştir. 313 yılında Lincinium ve Büyük..
Bulgar pop müziğinin en sevilen seslerinden biri Georgi Hristov, sahnede geçirdiği başarılı 40 yılını kutluyor. Sanatçı bu zaman dilimine birçok ödülü, farklı kıtalarda verdiği konserleri ve 20’ye yakın albüm sığdırmayı başardı. Ünlü şarkıcı Mart..
The Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra is visiting Musikverein in Wien with a concert. On the program are Grotesque Symphony Suite “Bai Ganyu” by renouned XX century Bulgarian composer Veselin Stoyanov, Slavonic Dance No.2 and No.8 by..
La Filarmónica de Sofía ofrecerá un concierto en la sala Musikverein de Viena. El programa de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Bulagria, bajo la batuta de Nayden Tódorov, está integrado por suite El tío Ganio , del clásico búlgaro Veselín Stoyanov,..
Today is the first semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest, which this year takes place in Turin, Italy. As we have already informed you, the Bulgarian representative for the 2022 edition is the band Intelligent Music Project. The second semi-final..
El 10 de mayo tiene lugar la primera semifinal del concurso Eurovisión que este año se desarrolla en la ciudad de Turín, en Italia. El representante búlgaro en la edición de este año es el grupo Intelligent Music Project. La segunda semifinal tendrá..
“I remember the first recording of my first significant work - the symphonic poem ‘The Surviving Tetraevangel’. It was performed by the BNR Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Vasil Stefanov in 1980. I will never forget this experience. I..
Regardless of the social and political changes at the end of the 1990s, which had "reshaped" the official holiday calendar of Bulgaria, Labour Day - May 1, is celebrated with due solemnity. To this day, many Bulgarians..
На 5 март Православната ни църква чества паметта на светите мъченици Йоан Българин и Конон. Св. Йоан бил родом от България . По някакъв случай..
На 27 февруари Софийската опера вдигна завесата за поредната бляскава премиера от сезона – "Фалстаф" на Джузепе Верди с впечатляващ постановъчен екип:..
Крачка напред, две назад – такава е стъпката на танца на българо-сръбските отношения според Дарко Аначков, председател на единствената българска..