C'est un livre pour enfants qui, en plus de raconter une histoire magique à même d’éveiller l’intérêt des enfants pour la lecture, contient de véritables graines à semer. L’idée de créer ce livre appartient à des auteurs bulgares. Non seulement..
Depuis 1951, la police routière établit une statistique au sujet des victimes et des blessés sur les routes bulgares. A cette époque avaient perdu leur vie 202 personnes, le nombre des blessés ayant été évalué à 790. Jusqu’en 1990 le..
Traffic police have data of the number of people killed and injured on the roads in Bulgaria going back to 1951. In that year there were 202 people killed and 790 injured. Up until 1990 data show that the number of people killed in..
Quelque 200 enfants bulgares de la Macédoine du Nord, de la Moldavie, de l’Ukraine, de l’Albanie, de la Serbie, du Rhodope occidental et de la région de Tervel (Bulgarie du nord-est) participent à la XXIVème édition du Séminaire printanier de la..
What do the vine and wine regions in Bulgaria have to offer? Vassil Zlatev from a wine tour company explains: “There are five separate wine-growing regions in Bulgaria. The biggest, as regards number of wineries is the Thracian Valley ...
In figures from the Institute for Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, roughly 15 million people across the globe speak Bulgarian. On the eve of the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture May 24, we look into a..
At a special ceremony on 11 May at the DNK (DNA) hall for contemporary arts, the largest online volunteer platform in Bulgaria TimeHeroes awarded the prizes to its HEROES. This was the first edition of the awards and their goal is to single out..
Students who are impatient for the maths class to start – this is the result of the Jumpido system, created by Kiril Rusev, Deyan Russev and Nikola Kosev. More about the system from Kiril: “Jumpido is an educational system that facilitates..
En troisième année à l’université, Volen Valkov part, grâce au programme Erasmus pour l’Allemagne. Là il peut rester pour un deuxième semestre, mais sans bourse. Volen décide de tenter sa chance et commence à chercher du travail en remplissant..
After ten years of EU membership software business in Bulgaria is the best performing sector of the IT industry in this country. This is what data by independent consulting company CBN Pannoff, Stoytcheff& Co. show. The company has been..
Сеизмолозите в Гърция разглеждат три възможни сценария за развитието на сеизмичната активност на остров Санторини. Първият е да продължат трусовете..
Въвеждането на задължителна матура по математика в XII клас няма да стане от днес за утре. Трябва законодателна инициатива, съгласие в НС за промяна..
Това, което разбрахме, е, че няма дупка от 18 млрд. лева в бюджета, но може би това беше ход, който трябваше да ни подготви за тежките мерки, които..